You see I feel for you, I know you think you got a fresh start but it's an illusion, the same system that was working then, is working now, if I ask you to list everything that you value, 98% okay 99,7% of you would not mention the most important one because you have been trained by years of hatred to neglect and even hate it, be careful of what you hate because in this case it turn out to be the core of your identity...ask yourself___How did the coloured loose their identity? ----it's a very simple system kanti and it's still being used now... firstly you can't take away somebody's identity ne and this created a problem at first but not for long...because a new system said "if you can make people hate their indentity, they will naturally reject it, I extreme cases the subject may even loose all memory of their background and that was the main reason they were "classified" You see if me and my sister are not of the same complection and then my sister...