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Deepsouthmusiq ft - Keya O kopa hle

Keya O kopa hle means: I beg of you please in seSotho and the song goes something like .. Now that we've met ... I just really wanna tell you that I love you I beg of you. The day we made this tune Lulenko was going on about some girl who was living across the street from him and the crush he had on her since coming to live at the south and he was telling me everything he would tell her and I'm mos the type of guy who speaks what my friends speak, I just don't like my friend to have to do me any favors and start speaking Xhosa needless to say I speak seSotho and everything he said and the way he said it just sounded like a Deep House tune with and the pain and joy of that moment like a photo with a time stamp or frozen chicken I just preserved the moment and that mite just be the reason everybody loves this tune the way they do. I just have to say great thanks to those who bought the song it means a lot to us and everybody promoting, playing, liking following African House Movement you should know what we say by now AHM we're taking our time bringing you the beat from the sound of
le street. Look out for the new one from Lulenko on the Obsession 8track: Deepsouthmusiq ft Lulenko - O ferekane maikutlo. I think we done did it again with my brother from Lesotho. 

Lulenko Born in Lesotho, age 24, at African House Movement since 2012 March featured in J_Whistler's Deep Love(string fling) on
#traxsource When Whistler played Keya o kopa he wanted to work on his own version of the song at first we thought a remix might do but soon changed our minds and came up with Deep LOve and whistler brought the string fling. Keeping it deep and we come from Cape Town so we keep thing real it just sound better, Support African House Movement and if you are one of the people who love these songs Get your cOPY on 
Deep house lounge

Enjoy and thanks we can feel the love all the way here in Cape Town



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